Icon Modifies Retro Cars Like No One Else
The Modifier that brings classics back to life
Los Angeles car tuner Icon knows how to modernize vehicles as no one else does. The folks down in Los Angeles are not only gifted but also understand their craft in and out.
If you come across a custom-built Derelict or Reformer cars by Icon, you will certainly love the forward-thinking approach that these cars are given. They care more about preserving all the historical elements of the cars while giving it a shift to modernity.
They are rebuilt with modern drivetrains, fitted with the latest technology and engineered to classy standards. A unique approach to this kind of modernization is that they maintain their time-beaten appearance characterized by faded paint and distressed interiors.
It is the fusion of brilliant industrial design, amazing architecture, craft and fashion that makes them the talk of the town. The process is also simplified as customers pick their preferred exterior color, interior materials and then decides either automatic or manual transmission.
Even what would seem like minor elements such as mechanical or digital clock are part of the client’s choice list. One of the most exciting parts of the refitting is an upgrade of all electronics. This upgrade includes fixing the latest LED lighting as well as Bluetooth and Apple CarPlay.